Well, we are done moving everything (except the ceiling fans!) from the old store to the new one!!
We are tired, and sore, but our spirits are still up!
We are still cracking jokes and laughing, as we navigate the maze of baskets, boxes, displays, tables, chairs, paper trays.... well, you get the idea. There is a LOT to put away!
More paper trays... we are going to NEED them!
The store is going to be SO great!
We can't wait to be in, and teaching in the new store!!
WOW!! Can you BELIEVE!!!
OH!! And the SIGN is moved!
I guess it is official now!
{Coming down.}
{Going up!}
And here is another sneak peek!!
See ya tomorrow!
Something about the sign being moved that makes it official.
Sooo awesome! I can't wait to come see!!
Hurry, I'm having Scrapaganza withdrawals!!!!!
So exciting! I can't wait to come check out the new store!!!
That's it, I quit teaching...I want to come help organize so bad it is DRIVING ME CRAZY!
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